
Instruments Of Your Peace | Maranatha! Music | Cover by Assam Don Bosco University Choir | 31 August 2014 Instrumentos de sua paz | Maranatha! Música | Capa do Coro da Universidade Assam Don Bosco

2021-02-21 2 Dailymotion

At confirmation, through the imposition of hands and anointing, an increased portion of the gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, knowledge, right judgment, understanding, courage, piety, and fear of the Lord is given to each recipient. The Holy Spirit gives recipients the increased ability to be a witness for Christ in every situation.

In this video, the Choir of Assam Don Bosco University at Tapesia Gardens, Sonapur Gauhati, Assam, India sings for a Confirmation Mass on 31 August 2014. The university was founded on 29 March 2008 by the Society of Saint Francis de Sales (SDB). The motto of the SDB is, “Da mihi Animas cætera tolle, "Give me souls, take away the rest."

The song that is sung was written by Kirk and Deby Dearman. It was published in, “Expressions of Praise Music,” in 1993 by Maranatha! Music.

The lyrics to the song are as follows:

Lord, Make us instruments of Your peace,
Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease
When we are Your instruments of peace.

Where there is hatred, we will show His love
Where there is injury, we will never judge
Where there is striving, we will speak His peace
To the millions crying for release,
We will be His instruments of peace

Lord, Make us instruments of Your peace,
Where there is hatred, let Your love increase
Lord, make us instruments of Your peace,
Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease
When we are Your instruments of peace.

Where there is blindness, we will pray for sight
where there is darkness, we will shine His light
Where there is sadness, we will bear their grief
To the millions crying for relief,
We will be His instruments of peace.”

Lord, Make us instruments of Your peace,
Where there is hatred, let Your love increase
Lord, make us instruments of Your peace,
Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease
When we are your instruments of peace.

Na confirmação, por meio da imposição das mãos e da unção, uma porção aumentada dos dons do Espírito Santo: sabedoria, conhecimento, julgamento correto, compreensão, coragem, piedade e temor do Senhor é dada a cada recipiente. O Espírito Santo dá aos destinatários a capacidade aumentada de serem testemunhas de Cristo em todas as situações.

Neste vídeo, o Coro da Universidade Dom Bosco de Assam nos Jardins da Tapesia, Sonapur Gauhati, Assam, Índia canta para a Missa da Confirmação em 31 de agosto de 2014. A universidade foi fundada em 29 de março de 2008 pela Sociedade de São Francisco de Sales (SDB) . O lema do SDB é: “Da mihi Animas cætera tolle," Dê-me almas, leve o resto. "

A música cantada foi escrita por Kirk e Deby Dearman. Foi publicado em, “Expressions of Praise Music,” em 1993 pela Maranatha! Música.

A letra da música é a seguinte:

Senhor, faz-nos instrumentos da tua paz,
Paredes de orgulho e preconceito cessarão
Quando somos Seus instrumentos de paz.

Onde houver ódio, mostraremos Seu amor
Onde houver lesão, nunca iremos julgar
Onde houver esforço, falaremos Sua paz
Para os milhões que clamam por libertação,